Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Water logged

So I logged my water usage for Sunday, September 30. This is step one of two for my assignment. Here is what I logged:

Water for washing: approx. 100 gallons (between 1 10 minute shower, shaving, cleaning and brewing 5 gallons of brown apple ale, baking shepards pie)
Food and drink: drank 6 bottles of water, two cups of coffee, 1 glass of OJ, 2 big glasses of milk, 1 large bowl of cereal, 2 pints of home brew, 1 cliff bar, veggie burger w/ lettuce, tomato, cheese, made shepherd's pie for 7 people, potato salad, 1 apple, 1 loaf of bread, peas and carrots
Transportation: approx. 3 gallons of gasoline (drove 1 hour)
Any durable items purchased:  none

So for 1 day I used approximately 100 gallons. Now a lot of that was used up in the brewing process but that is still a lot of water if you brew a lot (My pop brews nearly every two weeks).

The rest of my water diary blog will be completed soon so stay tuned!


  1. well, all i can say is that if there had to be water scarcity in the world, good thing it's in the middle east. could you imagine if germany was low on water? or ireland? or the us even? golly

  2. i'm referring to the beer brewing/alcohol aspect if that wasnt obvious

  3. Ha that would be a nightmare!
